There are many approaches that we know as an alternative in learning and teaching. Today, we need an approach or method which can useful and very common in real situation of our life. Competence-based language teaching is one approach of good choices for education in Indonesia. We have chosen possible implementation of competence-based language teaching in the context of SMK in Indonesia into this essay because it is an approach that purpose towards what learners expect to do with their learning.
In Indonesia, Competence-based language teaching has adopted namely Competence-Based curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi). It means Indonesia has practiced some parts of CBLT.
In this paper, we will discuss the theories that support the application, explain situation of the country where the teaching method or approach has implemented and analyzing Competence-Based language teaching or competence-based curriculum. There are going to some reasons, proof, and statement that support it.
2. Situation
Competence-Based Curriculum is a newest formula to education in Indonesia. Before, there were many curriculums that had implemented in Indonesia, but actually it just made mistakes and didn’t run well. It gave bad effect for education in Indonesia. The children as regeneration that should have brought this country to the better future become victim. Although changing of curriculums as the way of renovate quality education in Indonesia, but it has still any mistakes in practicing.
Another, our future signed by the big flood of technology information. This condition will cause the people have to follow the modern age. It shows us that we find a situation which very complex and universal. Competence-based curriculum tries to modify education in order to bring people to be able survive in developing era.
3. Theory of Competence Based Language Teaching (Competence-Based Curriculum)
Advocates of CBLT (KBK in Indonesia) see it as powerful and positive agent of change: Competency-based approaches to teaching and assessment offer teachers an opportunity to revitalize their education and training programs. Not only will the quality of assessment improve, but the quality of teaching and student learning will be enhanced by the clear specification of expected outcomes and the continuous feedback that competency-based assessment can offer. These beneficial effects have been observed at all levels and kinds of education and training, from primary school to university, and from academic studies to workplace training. (Docking 1994: 15)
Competency-based emphasizes at ability which has by graduate at an education level. Competency according to Hall and Jones is statement depicting appearance a certain ability circularly representing solidarity among knowledge and ability which can be perceived and measured.(1976:29).
Competency is especially capital to compete in global level because emulation that happens is at ability of human resource. Because of that, applying of Competence-based education is expected will yield competition grad in global level. Implication of competence-based education develops to syllabus and assessment system that based on competency.
Competence Based Language Teaching or Competence-Based curriculum is a design developing with a set certain competence to relate the social contexts in which are used. Relating at this and responding existence of PP No.25/2000, finally, education-national department arrange notional standard to all subjects, including components;
1. Competence standard
2. Competence basic
3. Fundamental material
4. Attainment indicator
Competence-standard is meant as completely of knowledge, skill, attitude, and master level of studying expected to be reached in studying the materials. Standard of competence include content standard and performance standard. Competence-based is a function of competence-standard; knowledge, skill and the minimum of attitude must to control and it may be used by students for each standard of competence. The main material or study items is fundamental the study materials in the form of teaching area, content, process, skill, and also science context the subject. While the attainment indicator meant more specific abilities which able to be made as size of assessment for assess complete learning.
Next, in this curriculum which has paradigm based on competence will include development of syllabus and assessment system. Syllabus is reference for planning and doing study program, while assessment system includes cover invoice type, instrument form, and its execution. Invoice type is various invoices, like going examination or tasks which must be done by learners. Instrument form is related to answer which must be conducted by student, like multiple choice and essay.
Developing of competence-based curriculum should relate to competence-standard demand, organizational of learning experience, and activity to develop and master competence effectively. Process development of curriculum based on competence also uses assumption that students who learn have had skill and knowledge first that required for mastering certain competence. For the reason developing of this curriculum require to pay attention these principles:
1. Orienting at attainment of result and its impact (oriented outcome)
2. Base on competence-standard and element of competence
3. Starting from competence alumna/ grad
4. Paying attention for principle of curriculum developing which have differences
5. Developing aspect of learning intently and totally (holistic)
6. Applying principle-learning completely (mastery learning). (Gja, Aal mastery, Mb).
4. Analysis
Competence-based curriculum means for producing education democratization. The output of this curriculum is created alumna that respect of variety. (Pikiran Rakyat, 28 April 2002).
As we know, Competence-Based curriculum has implemented in all level for education in Indonesia. Nevertheless, SMK is the most compatible level for adopting it. Competence consists of a description of the essential skill, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for effective performance of a real-world task or activity. These activities may be related to any domain of life, though have typically been linked to the field of work and to social survival in a new environment.
a. Role of teachers
Firstly, Competence-Based curriculum will be a strange thing for the teachers who usually used classical system. This situation can be happen because in this curriculum teacher and learner should be tolerant, respect, and open-mind. In CBC, teachers must to show their professionalism, they can be making the planning for learning which basic utility and skill of learners. In this case, teacher must be a motivator, mediator, and facilitator in learner education.
In CBC, teaching and learning process make learners to be active than teacher (student-centered). The important factor to do CBC is teacher must change himself. Teacher should be patient, care, creative, and full dedication because it can make learner to be confident. Finally, unique friendship can be happen between teacher and learners. Teacher could be friend to ask, discuss, and tell about anything (knowledge) without learners feel afraid or doubt. This friendship will be normally and dynamist.
That interaction can be happen if teacher can communicate with balance and multifunctional, used a friendly language. Teachers must to develop their competition skill before teaching to the learners. Teacher needs strong skill, strong utility, strong knowledge and processional.
b. Role of learners
Competence-based curriculum is designed to focus with learners. The goal is to enable students to become autonomous individuals capable of coping with the demands of the world. In SMK, we find students will focus with their ability, maybe management business, secretary, automotive, electronic, multimedia, etc. The competencies are specific and practical and can be seen to relate the learner’s needs and interests. The outcomes of competence-based curriculum can be seen if learners can be demonstrated mastery of performance objectives. Learners can see what has been learned and what still remains to be learned.
5. Conclusion
Competence-Based Language Teaching or Competence-based curriculum is designed by following the era which has more complicating and developing. This curriculum expects what the learners get in learning will be useful in real life. Although in Indonesia has adopted Competence-based language Teaching for all level, but it is so relevant to adopt by SMK. Learners should be improving with their focus and showing their skill to their performance in real situation.
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